
Japan’s New Cabinet Lineup

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Associated Press

Here is a lineup of Cabinet members after Saturday’s reshuffling by Japanese Prime Minister Toshiki Kaifu. Holdovers in their posts are designated with an asterisk.

Foreign Minister: Taro Nakayama, 66.*

Finance Minister: Ryutaro Hashimoto, 53.*

Justice Minister: Megumu Sato, 66.

Education Minister: Yutaka Inoue, 63.

Health and Welfare Minister: Shinichiro Shimojo, 70.

Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Minister: Motoji Kondo, 60.

International Trade and Industry Minister: Eiichi Nakao, 60.

Transport Minister: Kanezo Muraoka, 59.

Posts and Telecommunications Minister: Katsutsugu Sekiya, 52.

Labor Minister: Sadatoshi Ozato, 60.

Construction Minister: Yuji Otsuka, 61.

Home Affairs Minister: Akira Fukida, 63.

Chief Cabinet Secretary: Misoji Sakamoto, 67.*

Agency heads:

Management and Coordination Agency: Man Sasaki, 64.

Hokkaido Development Agency and Okinawa Development Agency (two posts): Yoichi Tani, 64.

Defense Agency: Yukihiko Ikeda, 53.

Economic Planning Agency: Michio Ochi, 61.

Science and Technology Agency: Akiko Santo, 48.

Environment Agency: Kazuo Aichi, 53.

National Land Agency: Mamoru Nishida, 62.
