

Robert K. Dornan (R-Garden Grove) is on the House Armed Services Committee. On Sunday, War Watch will hear from Rep. Mel Levine, D-Santa Monica

Whether the United States goes to war with Iraq will not be decided in Washington, but in Baghdad. It is up to Saddam Hussein, who is a very unpredictable dictator.

We know three things about Hussein: He is an egomaniac, he is ruthless and he is very clever. The egomaniacal and ruthless Hussein will opt for war; the clever Hussein will try to find a face-saving way out and then bide his time to strike again.

Hussein is not stupid. He knows that a war with the United States would mean his downfall--and his death. Therefore, at this point, I think the chances are slightly better than 50-50 that the situation will be resolved without war.


If, however, Hussein does opt for war, the United States will be ready. Make no mistake, George Bush is serious, and he will, as he should, smash Iraqi forces unless Hussein relents. And if Hussein mistakes Operation Desert Shield for bluff and bluster, he will be making the biggest miscalculation of his life.

If war does come, it is important the American people understand that President Bush did all within his power, without abandoning our principles, to avoid a violent outcome. The onus for war rests squarely with Saddam Hussein, the aptly named Butcher of Baghdad.
