
The Day in the Gulf

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* BLACK TIDE: Floating booms and other emergency measures were put in place at coastal installations to cope with the massive Persian Gulf oil spill believed caused by Iraq. A team of U.S. experts was dispatched as oil poured from Kuwait’s Sea Island terminal at 100,000 barrels per day and some oil was reported to be on fire.

* MORE MISSILES: Israel and Saudi Arabia came under attack from Iraq again. In Riyadh, the Saudi capital, a U.S. Patriot missile was fired at an incoming Iraqi Scud, apparently destroying it. In central and northern Israel, the Patriots knocked out more Scuds, which caused only minor damage.

* ALLIED RAIDS: Coalition jets kept up a furious bombardment of Iraqi positions in Kuwait and southern Iraq. Returning pilots spoke of a devastated landscape of shattered bridges and fires. The U.S. Central Command said Desert Storm aircraft shot down three Iraqi warplanes.


* IRAQI JETS IN IRAN: Seven Iraqi pilots were reported to have landed in neighboring Iran. The Pentagon said two dozen planes have landed there recently. The Tehran government said it will keep the planes until war’s end. It was unclear whether the pilots were defectors.

* WAR PROTESTS: Tens of thousands gathered in Washington, D.C., to protest the war, drawing counterdemonstrators. Major anti-war rallies also occurred in Los Angeles and San Francisco. Western Europe had its largest protest of the war, drawing at least 150,000 to Bonn.

* TERROR ATTACKS: In Adana, Turkey, near the Incirlik Air Base used by allied warplanes, terrorist bombs damaged a car outside the U.S. Consulate and blew off the door of a Turkish-American group’s office. No one was injured. In Paris, a bomb exploded outside a newspaper office, injuring three people in what may have been gulf-related terrorism.
