
Navy Will Close ROTC Programs at 5 Universities in Major Overhaul

Associated Press

The Navy said Friday that it plans to close Reserve Officer Training Corps programs at five universities and combine 16 others into eight “consortia.”

The five programs to be closed in 1996 are at Texas Tech University, the University of Minnesota, the University of Missouri, the University of New Mexico and the University of Utah. No new ROTC students will be enrolled at those schools after Sept. 30, 1991.

The Navy said that in the budget year that begins Oct. 1 it will establish eight “geographic consortia” for ROTC students at 16 sites.


For example, ROTC students at UCLA and USC will be put into a combined program serving the Los Angeles area.

The Navy said the ROTC reductions reflect a budget squeeze, plans for a smaller Navy and Marine Corps and a need to reduce the number of new officers commissioned each year. It said the reductions will save the Navy $18.5 million a year.
