
The Day in the Gulf

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* MORE POWS RETURNED: Fifteen Americans were among the 35 prisoners of war turned over to the International Committee of the Red Cross in Baghdad. Iraq said they were its last allied POWs, but the Pentagon said many Americans remain unaccounted for. U.S. Navy doctors said POWs examined so far appear to be in good health, with no solid evidence they were tortured or seriously mistreated.

* NEW WAR TOLL: The Pentagon updated the U.S. casualty toll in the 43-day war to 115 dead and 330 wounded. Tens of thousands of Iraqis were believed killed.

* THE IRAQI REVOLT: Thousands of refugees fled worsening violence in southern Iraq as Republican Guard tank and infantry brigades loyal to Iraqi President Saddam Hussein blasted their way into rebellious districts of Basra, the country’s second largest city. Despite the counterattack, control of Basra was still being disputed, and at least a half-dozen Iraqi cities remained in rebel hands.


* BACK TO BAGHDAD: Iraqi soldiers based in the north near the Turkish border have begun moving toward Baghdad where, analysts said, their presence will enable troops already in the capital to go south to quell the spreading violence.

* ANNEXATION VOIDED: Iraq officially renounced its annexation of Kuwait and promised to return hundreds of millions of dollars worth of looted property, including nearly a dozen civilian jetliners. Foreign Minister Tarik Aziz announced the measures in a letter to U.N. Secretary General Javier Perez de Cuellar.

* MEDIA MIAs--About 30 Western journalists on their way to cover the unrest in Basra, Iraq, were reported missing. Eleven, including three Americans, left Kuwait on Sunday and Monday. The rest, all French, were last heard from Sunday.
