
Mideast Diplomacy

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Your article “Don’t Waste Diplomacy on Arab States” by Roger Scruton (Column Right, Commentary, March 4) reveals eloquently what we have been saying all along: “The United States has encouraged Syria to do to Lebanon what Iraq was forbidden to do to Kuwait.”

The U.S. State Department and the National Security Council are actively involved in defeating the Lebanese democratic movement by making concessions to Syria’s dictator Hafez Assad and allowing him to have more control of Lebanon’s destiny. This type of behavior is a total violation of American values and does not represent the long-term interest of the United States.

The Lebanese want to restore the democratic political system which they enjoyed prior to the interference of foreign armies and foreign-controlled militias that are despised by the vast majority of Lebanese. It is in accordance with American values for the U.S. government to support the Lebanese aspiration for democracy.


The Council of Lebanese American Organizations praises your courage to print the truth and present valid facts. Only through a watchful and alert news media will public officials avert from making deals that threaten democracy not just in Lebanon, but also the democratic process in the United States.

ELIE NAJM, Chairman, Council of Lebanese American Organizations, Cary, N.C.
