
Middle East Peace Talks

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Now that the war in the Persian Gulf is technically over, it seems apparent that various steps must be taken to promote and ensure a lasting peace in the region. A key element to this process is undoubtedly the resolution of the Palestinian issue. It seems apparent that such a resolution will only be achieved through compromise.

As a human being, I deplore the belittlement and oppression of the Palestinians by the Israeli government. Likewise, I denounce those Palestinians who act violently in response to their frustrations, especially when it involves the death of innocent victims, in the Holy Lands and abroad. As a Muslim, I feel a great deal of pain regarding the Palestinians’ plight and strongly believe that they have the right to self-determination within the regions currently occupied by the Israeli government, though I do not advocate or support the idea of abolishing Israel as a whole. As an American, I feel that the United States should act in an even-handed manner in this issue, and I think that the hints at a land-for-peace initiative is a viable and relevant path of action.

Some say that the Arab countries should assimilate the Palestinians and thereby allow Israel to maintain the West Bank and Gaza, but let’s not forget that the Palestinians have a distinct culture and nationalistic sentiment, which is tied inextricably to the former lands of Palestine, not to Yemen, Morocco etc.



