
Lower Ceiling, but Watch How Far

<i> From Popular Mechanics</i>

QUESTION: The ceiling in our living room is in pretty bad shape. Rather than go to the great expense of fixing it, we plan to install a lowered ceiling. Are there any guidelines as to ceiling height?

ANSWER: The height of a new ceiling should be no less than 7 feet 6 inches. In some cases 6 feet 6 inches is acceptable under beams or bay windows. You can construct a slightly lower ceiling in a kitchen, provided at least half of it is at least 7 feet 6 inches.

In a roof space the ceiling height should be a minimum of 7 feet 6 inches for at least half the area of the room. However, this area might not represent the whole floor. Mark all the sloping ceilings to the desirable minimum height above the floor, then use a plumb line to mark the floor directly below. The area of the floor within the marked lines represents the actual area used to calculate the ceiling height.


Difference Between Ants and Termites

Q. I’ve noticed small holes and insects in some of the beams in my 150-year-old frame house. How can I tell if these are carpenter ants or termites, and how can I get rid of them.

A. Damage from carpenter ants is often mistaken for termite infestation. However, ants tunnel only to construct nesting places. They remove excavated wood to the outside of their nests and keep the passageways clear. Termite galleries, on the other hand, are packed with sawdust-like material, which is actually a woody excretion. This difference in the appearance of infested areas is a positive means of identifying which pest is at work.

Carpenter ants may be seen entering and leaving wood. They vary widely in size but a common variety is about one-half inch long, and either all black or mixed with brown. All members of the colony are fully formed except the larvae, which are white and resemble grubs. Small, isolated colonies can be eradicated by injecting pesticide dust into the galleries or into holes drilled at intervals along infested timber. For best results, hire a licensed professional exterminator.
