
Israel Deports 4 Arab Activists After Knifings : Uprising: Ousters are seen as retaliation for violence and as a warning to other Palestinians. Right-wingers call for even harsher action.

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Israel retaliated Sunday for a fresh wave of Arab knife attacks by ordering four Palestinian activists deported. Hard-liners called for even stronger measures.

A Foreign Ministry official said the action is meant as a warning to the leaders of the Palestinian uprising against Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Four Arab youths were wounded in clashes touched off in response to the expulsion orders, Arab reports said. In Tel Aviv on Sunday, a 16-year-old Palestinian died of a head wound suffered Friday when troops fired on stone-throwers in the Gaza Strip, the army said.


The deportees are Jamal abu Jadyan, 33, of the Gaza town of Beit Lahiya, and Jamal abu Habel, 33, Muein Msalam, 31, and Hashem Ali Dahlan, 31, from the Gaza refugee camp of Jabaliya.

All are senior activists in the Palestine Liberation Organization’s mainstream Fatah faction, the army said, and all have been imprisoned for ordering and committing anti-Israeli violence.

The army said they were not directly involved in the recent stabbings, but Defense Minister Moshe Arens accused them of inciting the atmosphere “that leads in the end to murder.”


The deportation orders and growing violence were discussed for two hours at Sunday’s Cabinet meeting.

Right-wing Agriculture Minister Rafael Eitan told reporters that Arab guerrillas should be executed, their homes torn down and their families deported.

Another right-wing minister, Rehavam Zeevi, demanded a sweeping and permanent curfew throughout the West Bank and Gaza. He noted that such a curfew was imposed during the Persian Gulf War, and during that time there were no knifings.


Police Minister Ronni Milo has proposed barring unmarried Palestinians from Israel, since most of the killings have been committed by Arabs without wives and children. Zeevi dismissed the idea as “treating cancer with aspirin.”

Eitan and Zeevi urged the Cabinet to order the expulsion of known Palestinian leaders, and were backed by Housing Minister Ariel Sharon and Science Minister Yuval Neeman, Israel Radio said.

The recent wave of knifings began after 20 Palestinians died in police gunfire in a riot in Jerusalem last October. The attacks have taken 16 Jewish lives, six in the past month.

In the past five days, one Israeli has been killed and five injured in five stabbings in central Israel.

“There is a certain percentage--too high a percentage--of people who are very radical, who do not place any value on human life and who are prepared to murder, principally to murder Jews,” Arens said.

The deportees’ lawyer, Abdul-Rahman abu Nasser, Sunday filed an appeal of the deportation orders with a military review committee. If turned down, the men could then appeal to Israel’s Supreme Court, which has never overturned an army deportation order.


If carried out, the deportations would raise to 68 the number of Palestinians expelled by Israel since the uprising began in December, 1987.

The U.N. Security Council voted unanimously on Dec. 20 to deplore the practice. The United States joined in the censure.

Religious Affairs Minister Avner Shaki told reporters after the Cabinet session Sunday that Washington’s opposition to the expulsions is unfair.

“If America had had to deal with such people, with such terrorism, they would certainly have used even more strict means, but certainly they would have deported people who are inciting against the government, who are preaching terrorism,” he said.
