
The Rise and Fall of Apartheid : <i> A chronology of how apartheid was put together and taken apart:</i>

<i> Associated Press</i>

1949--Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act passed.

1950--Population Registration Act passed. Immorality Act tightened to ban interracial sex.Group Areas Act (residential segregation) passed.

1951--Mixed-race Coloreds removed from the voting roll.

1952--U.N. condemns apartheid.

1953--Reservation of Separate Amenities Act (which segregated public facilities, from toilets to libraries to swimming pools) passed.

1985--Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act repealed. Immorality Act amended to drop reference to interracial sex.


1990--Reservation of Separate Amenities Act repealed.

June, 1991--Population Registration Act repealed. Group Areas Act repealed.
