
Gun Seizures in Chicago


I must admit that I was rather surprised by your “Gunning Down Real Progress” editorial (June 16). In this editorial you not only endorse the Chicago Housing Authority’s rules forbidding possession of firearms by public housing residents, but call for its extension to Los Angeles, and term opposition “bizarre” and “depraved.” Are you really sure that you want to support the idea of limiting the civil rights of people solely on the grounds that they occupy public housing? Why don’t we follow your reasoning a little further.

In this city we have a severe traffic problem; why don’t we simply forbid the possession of cars by public housing residents? We also have a drought; couldn’t we ration those people to three cups a day? After all, these are valid public concerns, and even the National Rifle Assn. admits that public authorities can set the terms for public housing eligibility.

Despite the position of The Times, I personally cannot support the idea of one set of rights for people who live in public housing and another set for those (like the editors of The Times), who do not.



North Hollywood
