
Needed: More Articles About the Environment

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It seems to me since the environment is a very important aspect of life, why aren’t there more articles about the environment in the newspaper?

There have been several times where I have found articles through the newspapers, but I believe these issues should be closer to the front pages and there should be a section called “Environmental.” These issues are and should be a great part of everyone’s life.

I’m a student at Mt. San Antonio College and currently am enrolled in a “Humans and the Environment” class. This class has given me a very different outlook on the environment as a whole. Due to this class, I have used the newspapers for information, but many times, I have had a difficult time finding several articles or at least one article on the environment.


I believe that more articles or information offered to the public will bring insight to everyone, and that will give that extra edge to the environment issue. The environment around us needs some serious thought and planning.

I believe the newspapers are the most important news information systems for everyone. There are many adults that do not have much time after work, but still find time to read the newspaper daily.


La Puente
