
DECORATING ADVICE : Bringing Some Continuity to the Classics


Question: I’d like to redecorate my living room. The walls and ceiling are off-white, and the baseboards are white. The draw draperies, which I must keep, are made of sky-blue antique satin.

I have an 18th-Century button-back mahogany-trimmed sofa that needs upholstering. The room has hardwood floors, one round mahogany end table, one “step” mahogany end table and two crystal lamps. I will purchase a Queen Anne love seat and two Queen Anne wing chairs.

What style would you suggest for a third chair? I will also buy a mahogany coffee table and a 6-by-9 foot Oriental rug. How can I tie all this together effectively? What colors and types of fabric should I use to upholster the sofa, love seat and the three chairs? What colors would you recommend for the Oriental rug?



Answer: You’re off to a great start; I like all the classic pieces you have. You might try an Oriental rug that is larger than 6-by-9 feet, however, so that the floor space is filled more evenly. On your 18th-Century button-back sofa, I suggest a rich yellow-gold satin fabric with gold, white and soft-blue trim.

For the Queen Anne chairs, why not choose a print of soft rose, green and light blue on a yellow background. Your new love seat can be covered in a green, light-blue and yellow stripe. Accent the sofa with some flowered throw pillows to match your draperies and with some throw pillows of the sky blue. Paint your walls a soft yellow and your ceiling a very pale light blue. The trim can remain white. Your Oriental rug can be a combination of burgundy with beige, sky blue and royal blue.
