
Coming to the Defense of Westminster High

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I found (Klein’s) reporting very disturbing. While she seemed to be stating the opinions of several Anglo families, the article conveyed the idea that Westminster High School was a dangerous, violence-ridden school.

I personally know two teachers from the school. While they have a problem with a large number of non-English-speaking students, they have no fear of going to school or being on the campus. Apparently, there is no particular evidence of a violent atmosphere.

I cannot understand a mother giving out her name and her child’s name when the child says he is fearful of mistreatment and the mother believes the situation could lead to violence. Unless, of course, she is looking for publicity so that she can get the transfer she is seeking. It almost guarantees that the child will be singled out when he arrives at school. It invites divisiveness and promotes racism.


And Ms. Klein’s reporting, if not supporting the position, makes no attempt to show another and perhaps more accurate point of view.

I usually enjoy Ms. Klein’s articles, but this one disturbed me greatly. It was not her usually civilized job of reporting. I recognize this is a column and not a straight news story. If this position is her point of view, I am deeply disappointed.


