
PLATFORM : Bolshevism on Trial

<i> VYTAUTAS LANDSBERGIS, the president of Lithuania, has been a key player in Baltic states' move toward independence. The following commentary is adapted from a speech he delivered Friday in Vilnius concerning the events this past week in the Soviet Union</i>

Tens of millions murdered and hundreds of millions of spirits deliberately broken. Nations annihilated, poisoned lands. States seized by spastic hands so that they would never be released. Total war, so that the whole world would be conquered. Vengeance and hatred at the moment of retreat.

That is Soviet communism named Bolshevism.

Now the time has come for Bolshevism’s Nuremberg. I will offer for Lithuania to initiate a juridical process, analogous to the liquidation of Nazi influence 45 years ago, and we would invite an international tribunal to come to Vilnius.

If (the world) would support this as well, then perhaps our Lithuania will again be able to do something good for everyone.
