
Woman to Admit Prostitution, Drop Nymphomaniac Defense

From Associated Press

A self-proclaimed nymphomaniac will plead guilty to prostitution charges and her husband will plead guilty to charges that he profited from her business, the couple’s attorney said Monday.

Kathy and Jeffrey Willets will admit guilt in Broward County Circuit Court on Wednesday, defense attorney Ellis Rubin said in a telephone interview.

“There’s been a plea agreement,” Rubin said, but he refused to disclose details. Rubin had said earlier that the defense would argue that Mrs. Willets needed to have sex with many men because she suffers from nymphomania and her husband has spells of impotency.


Assistant State Atty. Joel Lazarus’ Ft. Lauderdale office said he was unavailable for comment.

Mrs. Willets has been charged with prostitution and illegally taping at least one phone conversation with an alleged client. Willets has been charged with living off the proceeds of her prostitution and illegally taping at least one phone conversation.
