
An Intolerable Attitude Toward Gays


I am shocked and dismayed by Jerry Lenning’s letter (“Gays Should Accept Consequences,” Sept. 8). I pity people such as Mr. Lenning who can find justification for their bigotry. Mr. Lenning actually makes a good case for laws protecting gays and lesbians from discrimination.

I would ask Mr. Lenning to think for a moment how he would feel if there was an attitude in our society that condemned people who live in La Palma because they choose to live there? Would Mr. Lenning have condemned Christians living in Rome in the 1st and 2nd centuries AD because the pervasive attitudes of that time justified discrimination and even death to them?

The bottom line is that bigotry and discrimination are not to be tolerated in a free society. There is no justification. I invite Mr. Lenning to walk a mile in the shoes of gays and lesbians who have to tolerate discrimination, bashing and the ostracism of bigots every day of their lives.


The time has come for people to stop sitting on the fence about gay and lesbian rights. Call your state senator and encourage them to vote for AB101. Call Gov. Wilson’s office and demand that he sign it into law. Take a stand and stand up to the bigots who feel it is their place to control our society while hiding behind the guise of “traditional values.”

My traditional values include compassion and understanding, of which I find Mr. Lenning’s letter sorely lacking.


Laguna Beach
