
‘Why I No Longer Do Abortions’


I would defend to the death Dr. Flesh’s right to choose not to perform abortions for any reason he may cite.

Let me, however, point out that the “happy and beautiful” little boy born to parents who narrowly missed aborting him earlier is happy and beautiful precisely because his parents chose to have him after all. They chose to become responsible parents. But their original decision to abort was also valid. Unfortunately, there was no likelihood, much less guarantee, that further deliberation was going to change their minds.

I see the human cost of unwanted/unplanned pregnancies gone to term as contributing to child abuse and neglect, gangs, illiteracy, graffiti. I see the marginal parents of a “rugged individualist” culture ill-prepared to fulfill the obligations of parenthood. Still, I don’t advocate abortion. I advocate the right to choose to have an abortion for those who realize that parenthood is beyond their financial, intellectual or emotional grasp.

JEFF GOODWIN, Beverly Hills
