
B-2 Fiasco Is One of Many Wastes of Funds


In the article “Fixed Up B-2 Would Rate an 8” (Sept 14), White House spokesman Marlin Fitzwater said, “We have confidence in the military’s ability to work with the contractors to make this as good a project as we can get, and we continue to support it.”

We are helping to fund a wedge-shaped bomber at $860 million a copy, that might, once it’s fixed up, be able to evade enemy radar 80% of the time--providing that the radar isn’t too sophisticated.

Geez, what a deal, the almost invisible plane! I wonder what part shows up. I especially like what Marlin says, “as good a project as we can get.” Hey Fitzwater, do you mean as good as the Hubble or maybe the Galileo?


How do we get these morons to pay attention to the plethora of problems plaguing our society? Anybody want to buy my invisible car, just $4,995?


Santa Barbara
