
A Fly in the Ointment


Re “Debate Over National Health Care” (Letters, Nov. 23): Dr. Sol Londe’s argument for our country to adopt the Canadian model appeared to be reasonable at a first glance. However, his idea is (diminished) by his statement that, “If patients need treatment unavailable in Canada, they are referred to appropriate centers in the United States with all expenses paid.”

Instead, we should employ a voucher system whereby each insured will be provided a fixed fee for each procedure or treatment. The health expenditure and fee schedule should be established by a regional agency consisting of representatives from labor, management, and practicing medical professionals.

The source of funds for this coverage should derive mainly from taxes or fees collected from that specific region. However, unlike the failing Medicare system, fee ceilings should not be imposed so as to allow each person to select a practitioner or health-care facility of his choice while still preserving a free-market approach.


On the other hand, if we were to take in the Canadian experience lock, stock and barrel, then to where are we going to refer our patients for treatment unavailable in the United States? Tijuana?


Newport Beach
