
Steen Suffers Seizure, Is Hospitalized : Homecoming: Former hostage is stricken shortly after arriving in Detroit from Germany. Doctors expect him to be released today.

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Former hostage Alann Steen suffered a seizure Saturday and was hospitalized shortly after arriving in Michigan from Germany.

Steen, 52, had just left Detroit Metropolitan Airport when he was stricken, and was taken to Annapolis Hospital, said Wayne County Sheriff’s Lt. Robert McGraw.

Dr. Surindar Jolly, a neurologist at the hospital, said Steen was in stable condition but would stay overnight in the intensive care unit for observation.


During the seizure, Steen “was not able to speak, and he had a blank expression,” Jolly said.

In a brief statement, Steen’s wife, Virginia, said that she and her husband expected the seizures. She refused to answer questions but said Steen was exhausted and needed rest.

Steen said Thursday that while he was exercising with other hostages in 1987, one of his captors kicked him in the stomach, knocking him to the ground, and he hit his head. Doctors said he suffered permanent neurological damage and must take medication for the rest of his life.


Jolly said he wasn’t certain the seizure was related to the beatings.

“He’s handling it very well. He’s smiling, he’s very vocal, and he looks to be in good health,” Jolly said, adding that Steen should be released today.

Steen arrived at the airport from Frankfurt, Germany, with a brief stopover in Boston. He was en route to the home of his wife’s family in Clark Lake, Mich., when stricken, McGraw said.

Earlier Saturday, Steen bade farewell to fellow hostage Terry A. Anderson in Wiesbaden, Germany.


Anderson, the last American to be released and the longest-held Western hostage, went jogging Saturday, attended Mass and underwent more medical tests. Doctors reported that he is running a slight fever but that a minor lung ailment is clearing up.

Even though he was the longest-held American captive, Anderson seemed to be more fit than many who were freed before him. However, he was expected to spend a few more days recuperating at the U.S. military hospital at Wiesbaden.

A Roman Catholic, Anderson attended Mass at the chapel of the military hospital with a small group of Associated Press colleagues and friends, and planned to attend again today, officials said.

Shiite Muslim kidnapers held Anderson, chief Middle East correspondent of the Associated Press, for more than 6 1/2 years in Lebanon.

Anderson, who jogged Friday, ran again Saturday around the hospital grounds, the U.S. military said. His “low-grade fever” should not prevent him from jogging again today, officials said.

The military said Anderson’s fever was related to a sinus infection, which is being treated. An inflammation of the lining of his right lung, or pleurisy, was also diagnosed after his arrival here. According to the medical bulletin, the pleurisy is “almost completely cleared up.”


In Berkeley, Calif., meanwhile, recently released hostage Thomas M. Sutherland got a chance to chat with his daughter, Ann Sutherland-Keller, shortly after she gave birth late Friday to a 7-pound, 7-ounce boy.

“He was really excited,” Sutherland-Keller, 33, said Saturday morning from her hospital room.

The mother and her baby, William Thomas Sutherland-Keller, were doing fine Saturday, said Mark Hurty, a spokesman for Alta Bates Hospital.
