
McDonnell Deal With Taiwan Sparks Anger


The article about McDonnell Douglas has me outraged. It was only a few weeks ago that the public learned of its plan to move the Long Beach operation to any state that would offer sufficiently enticing handouts to this greedy company.

Now it is trying to sell out our entire aircraft industry for a quick profit with a short-lived future. Worse yet, management now implies that the Long Beach jobs will be lost if they don’t get their way. Do they think that the public already forgot the previously mentioned plan to move?

As a member of the aerospace industry, I have heard much about the almost total loss of control by Douglas management. Is the solution to sell out the workers and possibly the whole industry?


Congress may not be able to enact legislation to save the industry, but the public can tell the airlines that we will not fly on McDonnell Douglas aircraft. Believe me, this would be just as effective as new laws.


