
‘Safe Sex’ or Abstinence in AIDS Age?


In response to William Honigman’s letter (“Moralists Miss Point About Curbing Spread of AIDS,” Dec. 8): I was no less than astonished at the magnitude of his faulty logic.

He wants to discredit the Rev. (John) Nix-McReynolds for holding up the standard that “safe sex is no sex” and “abstinence until marriage is the key.” He uses the argument that some people will inevitably contract the AIDS virus from a spouse, thereby discrediting the theory of “sex is safe in marriage.” That only makes the reverend’s point more legitimate. If anyone doesn’t want to give this disease to their future mate, don’t fool around now.

Dr. Honigman uses not a few other flimsy arguments to make his points but the most offensive is his reference to “using condoms does reduce the risk of acquiring HIV, much as we know that seat belts reduce the risk of death behind the wheel.” Now the choice to drive and the choice to have sex are equal on the moral plane. Ha!


With respect to Dr. Honigman, I think he should think a little harder next time before he attacks a good man like Rev. Nix-McReynolds. He hardly discredited him. On the contrary.

