
One Europe: The Dream of Unity : Perspectives : Getting Together: The People Speak : ITALIAN MANUFACTURER


Giulio Bonazzi, 28, whose father, Carlo heads the Bonazzi Group of textile concerns headquartered in the northern Italian city of Verona, says he didn’t need the EC to convince him of the value of exports.

“Where the EC could be useful is to help standardize import duties on manufactured textile goods within Europe. At present, Italy particularly has to contend with strong competition from countries like Germany, which can use Yugoslav labor to manufacture clothes which are then re-imported and sold from Germany to Europe with little added expense. Italian firms that do likewise must pay a 12 percent import duty on the Yugoslavian manufactured goods.

“The EC could also help to encourage more European investment in the production of textiles in Eastern Europe and North Africa. In the same way that the Japanese have, as it were, ‘colonized’ Asian countries to produce the goods they sell, we could have a similar operation here.”
