
* Jerome Hall; Internationally Known Scholar of Criminal Law

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Jerome Hall, 91, a leading legal scholar and professor emeritus at Hastings College of the Law. Hall, internationally known for his work in criminal law and jurisprudence, wrote seven books and numerous articles on criminal law and legal philosophy. Among his works were “Theft, Law and Society,” first published in 1935, and “Readings in Jurisprudence,” published in 1938. Hall also wrote “General Principles of Criminal Law,” published in 1947 and described by a writer in the Journal of Legal Education as “the most important treatise on criminal law produced by American legal scholarship.” Hall joined Hastings College in 1970 as a member of the college’s Sixty-Five club, a portion of the faculty made up of eminent scholars who are invited to teach full-time at the prestigious San Francisco law school after normal retirement. Hall previously taught at Indiana University. He held doctoral degrees in law and legal philosophies from Columbia and Harvard. On Sunday in San Francisco of pneumonia.
