
Not Enough to Go Around


In “Trustees Urged to Increase Budget for Valley College” (Times Valley Edition, Feb. 14) we learn that Los Angeles Community College District trustees have shortchanged Valley College $1.5 million. We further learn that the money is needed for opening some of the more than 400 classes that have been cut in the last year and for chairs--seats for the students in the classes that haven’t been cut.

In On Campus (Valley Edition Feb. 15), we learn that Mission College, also in the LACCD, is running a marvelous Child Care Center, but in some cases must charge students as much as $2 per hour. In the same column, we discover that Pierce College, the third of the LACCD colleges in our valley, is building a horse arena.

How is it possible that college trustees can find the money to build a horse arena for a very few students on a rodeo team and deny funds for academic classes and child care needed by tens of thousands of students? Perhaps we need a new board of trustees.



Studio City
