
* Lord Michael Havers; Prosecuted IRA Bombings

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Lord Michael Havers, 69, who served briefly as England’s top legal official and prosecuted two Irish Republican Army bombing cases that were later overturned. Havers became attorney general in 1979 and held the post for eight years. He was made a peer and appointed lord chancellor in 1987 by Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Among his most famous prosecutions was that of the Guildford Four, three men and a woman convicted of pub bombings that killed five people in Guildford, south of London. They were released in October, 1989, after 15 years in prison, when the Court of Appeal found that they had been wrongly convicted. Havers also prosecuted the Maguire Seven, who were found last June to have been wrongly convicted of running an IRA bomb-making factory. He was criticized for allegedly withholding evidence in the two cases. On April 1 in London of unreported causes.
