
Ward Valley Nuclear Dump

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What exactly was the objective of Robert Stewart and Gregory Crouch in writing “Brown Had Ties to Large Producer of Nuclear Waste” (April 16)? The facts are that Brown is a former board member of a biomedical company that legitimately utilizes and disposes of radioactive materials in the manufacture of products that are employed in biotechnology research, education and production.

But starting from these seemingly socially correct circumstances, the authors manage to put a negative spin on the “news” by mixing a concoction of otherwise accurate statements and quotes concerning the proposed Ward Valley nuclear waste site, deficiencies in nuclear waste site operations of 20 years ago, the magnitude of the company’s activities, and the activities and responsibilities of company directors in general. It is sad for those of us who take pride in California’s world leadership in biotechnology to find that legitimate participation in biomedical research at any level can be construed as odious. It is sadder still when a distinguished newspaper stoops to the level it did in this wholly unwarranted attack.


Laguna Beach

The writer is senior vice president for research and development at ImmunoPharmaceutics, San Diego, and was professor and chairman (1970-1982), Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, UC San Francisco. 1
