
O.C. PLATFORM : Weary of ‘Hassles’


I don’t want any sympathy. I don’t want any handouts. I just want to be left alone. It’s getting harder to find a place to stay. It seems people don’t care about people anymore.

I’m not proud about the way I live. But with no work and no money, where can I live? When I came here, I found people like me who are just trying to survive. The shelters are either full or they’re closing. Everywhere I go, people stare at me like I’m a criminal. I’m not. I’ve never done anything against the law. I don’t have anyplace to go. Nobody to care for me.

Now they want us to leave. They call us an eyesore. They tell us that we bother people. People yell at us telling us we don’t belong on public property. We use the bathrooms. We scare folks.


I think they want us out of here so we won’t remind them that they could be next. People don’t want to be bothered with reality.
