
U.S. OLYMPIC TRIALS : Elbow Problem Sidelines UCLA’s Janicki


Pete Janicki wants to pitch in the Olympics. But he also wants to pitch in the major leagues.

So there was no debate Wednesday when the pitcher from UCLA, first-round draft choice of the Angels, felt some soreness in his right elbow. He took himself off the mound four batters into what was to be a three-inning stint during the U.S. Olympic baseball trials at Millington, Tenn.

“I’m not taking any chances,” Janicki said. “My goal is to sign with the Angels, not hurt my arm.”


Janicki, who is unsigned, was examined by Dr. Robert Miller of Memphis.

Janicki said he has “a little soreness, but nothing serious like a shooting pain.”

Janicki, the eighth pick in last week’s amateur draft, gave up a double and a single to two of the first three batters he faced. He said he isn’t sure whether he will continue to try out for the Olympic team. Tryouts will continue through Sunday.

“It depends how it goes the next few days,” he said. “It’s been sore since the (NCAA) regionals. Nineteen innings (pitched in the regionals) takes more out of you than I thought. It was feeling great in the pen, and then it came on quick.”

Brad Kelley, the U.S. team’s pitching coach, said it will be up to Janicki whether the pitcher continues with the tryouts. “It’s his arm, not ours,” Kelley said. “It’s not worth the negative effects it could create with professional baseball.”

USC catcher Bobby Hughes hit a home run against University of Miami pitcher Jeff Alkire during the workout.
