
Agency Approves $1.5 Million to Spruce Up Downtown Area


Spending up to $1.5 million for fresh paint on storefronts, new awnings, clean sidewalks and “twinkle lights” in trees was approved Tuesday by the Redevelopment Agency to help invigorate downtown Glendale.

A nine-member economic advisory committee recommended the plan to spruce up Brand Boulevard, a bid to entice new retail stores and promote the city.

The promotional effort is to be citywide, but initial plans will target the downtown retail area, specifically the 200 block of North Brand Boulevard, where the historic Alex Theatre is about to undergo renovation, said Redevelopment Director Jeanne Armstrong.


If this program succeeds, similar projects could be undertaken in other shopping districts, such as Montrose and Kenneth Road.

As the recession drags on, “economic growth has come to a halt and is beginning to decline” throughout Glendale, said Armstrong, who urged that the city adopt a strategy to “actively compete” with neighboring cities.

Work on six goals is to begin in the next few weeks. They are:

* Publishing a citywide retail directory.

* Forming a downtown merchants association.

* Awarding grants and loans to merchants to improve storefronts.

* Hiring a marketing firm.

* Enticing new tenants.

* Incorporating a nonprofit advisory council to guide economic development.

Stockbroker Jack Quinn, a member of the volunteer advisory council formed six months ago, said Glendale’s retail climate has undergone “a wrenching change” in the recession, with increasing numbers of vacant stores, boarded-up windows and neglected sidewalks. “We need to work, bring new companies in, clean up the town,” he said.
