
Text of U.N. Bosnia Resolution

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Associated Press

Following is the official English-language text of the pertinent parts of a Security Council resolution authorizing the use of force to protect humanitarian assistance deliveries in Bosnia-Herzegovina.


The Security Council . . . acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations,

1. REAFFIRMS its demand that all parties to the conflict immediately cease all military activity in Bosnia-Herzegovina;

2. CALLS UPON all states to take nationally or through regional agencies or arrangements all measures necessary to facilitate in coordination with the United Nations the delivery by relevant U.N. humanitarian organizations and others of humanitarian assistance to Sarajevo and wherever needed in other parts of Bosnia-Herzegovina;


3. DEMANDS that unimpeded and continuous access to all camps, prisons and detention centers be granted immediately to the ICRC (Red Cross) and other relevant humanitarian organizations and that all detainees therein receive humane treatment, including adequate food, shelter and medical care;

4. CALLS UPON States to report to the secretary general on measures they are taking in coordination with the United Nations to carry out this resolution, and invites the secretary general to keep under continuous review any further measures that may be necessary to ensure unimpeded delivery of humanitarian supplies;

5. REQUESTS all States to provide appropriate support for the actions undertaken in pursuance of this resolution;


6. REQUESTS that all parties and others concerned take all measures necessary to ensure the safety of United Nations and other personnel engaged in the delivery of humanitarian assistance;

7. REQUESTS the Secretary General to report to the Council on a periodic basis on implementation of this resolution;

8. DECIDES to remain actively seized of the matter.
