
PLATFORM : What You Put Into It

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Some feel that people are being exploited or whatever. That’s taking a real negative attitude.

I’m not going to say that there is never exploitation, but I will say that the opportunity to learn is out there if you want it. Two people can come into a company, and one can feel exploited while the other feels like it was the best experience of their lives. I had that experience here. I was learning so much, I felt like I could take on anything, and some people sitting next to me felt like they were not learning. It was because they were sitting back and waiting for things to happen, and that’s not real life.

If you go into a non-paying internship just kind of putting in time for something on your resume, then maybe a non-paying internship isn’t worth it. But if you go in there to learn about a field, to learn if it’s what you want to do, then it’s worth it. If I spent three months here and learned I didn’t want to be a publicist, then I just checked one thing off my list. For me, it was life-changing. It’s what you put into it.
