
Misplaced Generosity


Regarding “Reward Offered in Robbery at School” (Times Valley Edition, Sept. 2), how frightening that Dmitri Vadetszy, an assistant principal at Reseda High School, was robbed at gunpoint.

However, as a teacher employed by the same school district, I have difficulty feeling sorry for him because he lost an expensive Rolex watch and gold bracelet as well as $250. I, as well as my teaching colleagues, am facing a 17% pay cut and will soon have trouble meeting my basic living expenses.

How generous that our employer can afford to offer a $7,000 reward for those involved in the robbery, while at the same time voting to cut employee compensation $247 million, mostly hurting teachers. Their generosity will affect how many more classrooms that don’t have enough pencils, paper, and books, etc.?


As a teacher living on a single income, I will remember the district’s generosity when my inexpensive Casio watch breaks and I can’t afford to replace it.


Canoga Park
