
Bill Anton and His Successor


I was dismayed to read your editorial of Sept. 23. As I went through my day as an elementary schoolteacher in Los Angeles, I was struck by your comment on every school employee having to make a sacrifice “for the sake of the children.”

Why should I, as a taxpayer and a citizen, make any greater a sacrifice for its future than is required of any other taxpayer and citizen?

I will get no greater benefit from an American future with an educated citizenry and work force than will any other American. However, I am expected to pay a greater price for it.


I am tired of reading about the high wages teachers receive. I work nine-hour days. I often work Saturdays and Sundays and during my unpaid vacations. I invite you to visit my classroom of 31 Spanish-speaking children anytime, unannounced and tell me that I am overpaid.

MARIA BIRKAS, Wilton Place Elementary School
