
‘Dodging’ Military Duty

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Going to war is not the highest expression of either personal integrity or patriotism. Living a life according to the dictates of one’s conscience is a decision more likely to produce good citizenship and leadership qualities than consenting to join in a war that is without defined moral, let alone social, purpose. No person except a suicide gives his or her life for any reason but to a higher call.

Clinton and Quayle, for whatever their personal reasons or convictions, appear to have acted legally regarding military service in the time of the Vietnam War. If you were to take an inventory of military service “evaders” from Korea to Kuwait, you would find an astonishing number of friends, family members, neighbors and business and political leaders.

Did I pass up an athletic scholarship to college to serve in Korea? Hell no! I chose deferment and school and two years in the Army after graduation. My decision was based on the service requirements and options in effect at the time. I can only assume that Clinton and Quayle did likewise in their time.



Costa Mesa
