
World-Class Mexican Environmentalism


Many recent articles in The Times’ Business section leave the impression that enforcement of Mexican ecology laws is much less stringent than in the United States.

Speaking for an American environmental company that has recently incorporated in Mexico City, I can tell you that Mexico is pursuing world-class environmental standards with more vigor than many states north of the border.

The difference between U.S. efforts, where relatively fat public coffers have allowed the creation of an entire tax- and fee-supported environmental bureaucracy, and Mexico is that both government and industry have realized that an effective program must be funded directly by the identifiable pollution sources, because there is no public money available.


As a result, Petroleos Mexicanos, for instance, has instituted a program requiring all 3,164 franchised gasoline stations (plus all new franchises) to bring their facilities up to the latest environmental standards, paid for by increasing the commission earned on sales of gasoline by each franchisee.

Our firm completed the first such remodel in Mexico City this month. All of the technology used in the project and most of the products came from the United States and helped to create jobs there. We are anticipating millions of dollars in exports this year alone as part of Mexico’s environmental efforts.

In fact, it appears that the next segment of U.S. industry to experience significant growth--perhaps replacing some of the dwindling aerospace business in Southern California--will be related to the Mexican environmental effort.

Do not present Mexico as a backward country incapable of instituting meaningful environmental controls. They are aware, responsive and responsible.


Yorba Linda, Calif.

The writer is president of Geological Audit Services Inc.
