
Carpenter Given 2nd Term as Mayor


The Port Hueneme City Council has elected Councilman Orvene Carpenter to serve a second consecutive two-year term as the city’s mayor.

The council voted unanimously Wednesday to appoint Carpenter to the largely ceremonial position.

Carpenter, 67, Port Hueneme’s former postmaster and a longtime civic leader, said the city should move forward with its plans to build a recreational vehicle park at the southeast tip of Hueneme Beach. In the face of vocal opposition from area environmentalists, Carpenter has been a strong supporter of the park, saying the small resort will bolster the local economy.


“I’m sure (the environmentalists) will continue to be in attendance and vocal at our meetings,” Carpenter said. “We’re going to keep moving forward and try to mitigate all the environmental concerns. We firmly believe (the RV park) is a . . . function allowed at the beach.”
