
PLATFORM : Enforce the Curfew


It’s an excellent curfew. It teaches children that not only do the parents have a time frame when they have to be home, but now it’s also a law. They need to be in and they need to be safe. The drive-by shootings are dangerous, and that’s also the time when people are leaving the bars. This gives the parents some backup, especially single parents.

There are no activities for children at that time, so what do they do after those hours anyway? I feel they would be much safer at home rather than being out on the streets where they can get into trouble. More creative things could be done at home.

When they don’t have anything to do and they’re just loitering, children could be mischievous and get into trouble. Of course, not all the children who might be out that late are causing trouble and not enough is written about the good children. But there really is no reason for them to be out, unless they’re at a movie theater or sporting activity that runs late.
