
Hearing on Cedars-Sinai Master Plan


Re: The Times article on the Cedars-Sinai Master Plan (Feb. 11): I attended the public hearing, and contrary to the view of your reporter, I saw more people speaking in support than in opposition.

The West Hollywood Community Alliance comprises 171 businesses, many of them in the Robertson-Beverly area. We understand the reality of traffic, but we also understand the importance of the medical center, both as a world-renowned health-care provider and as a significant economic force.

Cedars-Sinai is a major employer, and it also purchases goods and services totaling millions of dollars in our city and surrounding communities. As the master plan is built, those economic impacts are bound to expand, benefiting local businesses, residents and the coffers of our cities as well.


We expect trauma care, community service and state-of-the-art technology and treatment from Cedars-Sinai. Let’s not be so foolish as to place stumbling blocks in the way of their progress.


West Hollywood

Radcliffe is president of the West Hollywood Community Alliance.
