
CAMARILLO : City Employees Defend Salaries

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In the wake of criticism that city employees are paid too well, Camarillo workers came to their own defense at a public meeting.

Seventeen city employees attended a City Council study session on staff salaries, one of them saying she represented 78 of the city’s 104 workers.

The salary issue arose two weeks ago when the council agreed to a policy of paying city employees 5% above the median of wages paid for comparable positions in other cities.


The policy would mean raises for some city workers, although the council is not expected to decide on specific salary increases until the state has completed its budget for the next fiscal year.

Tax attorney and community activist Kevin Staker has spearheaded a protest against the salary policy, saying city officials should not raise wages at a time when many private sector employees are being laid off or suffering pay cuts.

Employees said at the meeting Tuesday that they take the criticism personally.

Some workers and council members turned the spotlight on Staker, raising questions about his motivations in the salary debate and his income as a tax attorney. Water conservation technician Tony Kack said the attorney may be motivated by political aspirations.
