
U.S. Sends Troops as Somali Factions Clash


The United States ordered a quick reaction force into the southern Somali port of Kismayu on Wednesday to investigate fighting that led to the suspension of national reconciliation talks in Addis Ababa.

A U.S. military spokesman, Col. Fred Peck, said some of the 500 troops in the force arrived in Kismayu in the afternoon and the rest would arrive within 24 hours.

The United Nations suspended the Somali reconciliation conference in Addis Ababa, the Ethiopian capital, until it could obtain details of the fighting in Kismayu between the militia forces of Mohamed Siad Hirsi, known as Gen. Morgan, and Omar Jess.


Fighting broke out in Kismayu on Tuesday morning when about 300 armed supporters of Morgan, using thousands of women and children as human shields, advanced on Jess’ supporters in the northeast of the town.

The 900 Belgian troops stationed in Kismayu were unable to stop them for fear of hitting the civilians in the crowd. About 50 people were wounded and 50 of Jess’ men had to flee the town.
