
Stronger Gun Laws

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To believe that stronger gun-control laws will protect law enforcement officers is simply untrue.

The truth about gun-control laws is that they do not work because they are directed at a class of individuals inclined not to obey any laws--in short, criminals.

Criminals know that with a 14-day waiting period and background check, they are not likely to be able to purchase a gun legally. Second, criminals know that just like with illegal drugs, there will always be an adequate supply (for a price) to meet their demand. And third, a criminal desiring to purchase a gun is not likely to want to wait very long, and certainly not 14 days. In short, to pursue stricter gun-control laws in light of such a reality is and will continue to be an exercise in futility.


And taking this position naturally begs the question of what to do in the absence of stricter gun-control laws. How about stiffening the penalties for the illegal use of guns and then giving the law enforcement agencies the personnel they need to enforce those laws?


