
Sheik’s Followers and N.Y. Bombing

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Under the guise of a scholarly explanation, Satloff has delivered yet another thinly disguised Zionist editorial. The fact is that his supposed expertise on Arab extremism has been used to dupe the U.S. public. Satloff would have us believe that large segments of the Arab populace are out to wantonly destroy the vestiges of Western culture in the Middle East, regardless of the cost in human lives.

Many of us less-biased Westerners believe that the root cause of the violence lies predominantly in the corrupt support by Western politicians of economically motivated Zionism. The latter has been the moral and economic scourge of the Arab world. The fact is that venal politicians in the U.S. have sold out to support the colonists who have displaced the indigenous Palestinians.

The average citizen here has been oblivious to the suffering of the Palestinians. The press has diabolized the Muslims to such an extent that popular folklore has it that they’re waging a religious war against us.


My modest studies on the subject tell me that Sheik Omar Abdul Rahman is indeed a zealot who promotes violence against, and the destruction of, individuals who run counter to his warped sense of priorities. However, the deceased racist Rabbi Meier Kahane and the chief rabbi of Israel (who justified the murder of 21 Palestinians at the Temple Mount), are products of the uninformed support of the U.S. public.


