
An Alternative for Bolsa Chica


Thank you for the April 4 editorial (“Follow Through on Bolsa Chica Pact”) concerning the Bolsa Chica and the recent shift of the project by the Koll Co. to the county of Orange for consideration.

However, it is more than just unfortunate that the city of Huntington Beach will not be the lead agency in the review of the project. Through the move, the developer has taken the decision-making authority from the representatives of those most affected by the proposed massive development--the citizens of Huntington Beach. The Huntington Beach City Council should have considered the effects of 12,000 more cars in the area, destruction of Native American sites and significant beach erosion problems attributable to the two 600-foot jetties and 1,500-foot seawall that are proposed.

In any event, people concerned about the Bolsa Chica are looking for an alternative to the development, and that alternative is represented by the Bolsa Chica Land Trust, which now has more than 1,200 members. We should save the Bolsa Chica, not pave it.



Huntington Beach
