
Violence Erupts at Texas Prison

Associated Press

Authorities used tear gas in an attempt to quell a disturbance by more than 100 inmates at a minimum-security prison.

There were no immediate reports of injuries to inmates or guards at the 500-bed Limestone County Minimum Security Detention Center, where the disturbance erupted about 5 p.m. Friday, authorities said. It continued early this morning, authorities said.

Laureen Chernow, a spokeswoman for the Department of Public Safety, said a Special Weapons and Tactics team from Austin, Tex., and three 15-member riot squads were sent to the prison.


There were reports of about 130 prisoners in a prison yard trying to break into buildings, she said.

“They destroyed anything they could destroy in their cells,” said Limestone County Sheriff Dennis Walker.

Authorities believe the disturbance may have started because some prisoners lost their privileges.
