
Union Threatens to Spread East German Strike

<i> From Associated Press</i>

Germany’s largest union threatened Wednesday to spread a metalworkers’ strike across eastern Germany and said that 300,000 workers have rallied in solidarity throughout the country.

Leaders of the IG Metall union were scheduled to resume contract talks with employers’ representatives today. There were no signs of a speedy end to the walkout that was started May 3 to press for higher pay.

Business leaders and conservative politicians have warned that the strike could devastate recovery in the eastern region, which is suffering from 40 years of Communist mismanagement.


So far, about 40,000 metalworkers, steelworkers and those in related industries have been on strike in eastern Germany.

Workers are demanding implementation of contracts that would grant a pay raise of more than 20%. The contracts were signed after unification as part of a plan to bring eastern wages up to western levels. Now, businesses are refusing to abide by the agreements.
