
Calling the War on Drugs a Failure


* I am surprised to read recently so many editorials and news items on the proposal to either legalize or decriminalize marijuana and/or all drugs. The fact that the Rev. Robert Schuller, founder of the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, has signed the petition (“Rev. Schuller Joins Ranks Urging Drug Law Reform,” May 6) to decriminalize drugs is a sign that the attitudes of major public leaders is changing on this subject.

The main organizer of the new attitude toward drugs is Orange County Superior Court Judge James P. Gray. There are even rumors coming out of the White House that Atty. Gen. Janet Reno is making plans to shift the failed drug war from the legal department to the office of the surgeon general. The fact that 60% of our prisons are filled with drug offenders is outrageous.


Balboa Island
