
FAVORITE SOPRANO ARIAS. Luba Orgonasova; Czecho-Slovak Radio...


FAVORITE SOPRANO ARIAS. Luba Orgonasova; Czecho-Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Will Humburg. Naxos 8.550605. The Slovak Orgonasova, known in America chiefly through her recorded Pamina in a complete “Zauberflote,” offers a recording of mostly bel-canto showpieces, with a bit of Puccini thrown in.

Unless one is disc-deceived, this is a major new voice and talent. It appears of ample size, with a slight metallic edge that seems to be typical of Slavic female voices. She has an immense variety of color at her disposal and can spin out pianissimos, diminuendos, mezza-voce effects, as well as satisfying fortes, with ease. Her Italian is well projected, and she has the style in hand.

Giulietta’s aria from “Capuletti” is a particularly haunting accomplishment with its long, gleaming line, but she is equally adept in the coloratura fireworks of the “Puritani” (“Qui la voce” is oddly cut), “Linda di Chamounix” and “Sonnambula” pieces. She makes the Mad Scene from “Lucia” no chirpy showpiece but a powerful dramatic outburst. Orgonasova might have flown even higher if she had had a more idiomatic conductor than Humburg.
