
Advancing the Battle Against Drugs in U.S.


I am responding to the editorial, “One Less Voice for Drug Reform” (May 18). Although I agree that “legalization is not the answer” to the drug problem, I believe you have missed the point on Rev. (Robert) Schuller.

Rev. Schuller’s voice has not been lost. As one of the founding leaders of the Drug Use Is Life Abuse organization, he has pledged to continue to support its effort to eliminate the demand for drugs in Orange County. This organization is one of hundreds of coalitions participating in a nationwide movement under the aegis of the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA). CADCA is playing the leading role in providing input to the new director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy.

I wholeheartedly support Rev. Schuller and his decision to remove himself from a poorly worded resolution that calls for actions that have been ongoing in Orange County and this nation for seven years.



Santa Ana

(Gates is sheriff of Orange County.)
